
I call her Dolor for her flawless role in one of our major plays in high school in which she was awarded a Tony or its equivalent.

She was a batch older but her then girlfriend M was my senior in Citizens Army Training, we belonged to the same club, we were both into girls, so our circles crossed naturally.

There’s so much I can about the amazing wonder that is J.

For one, it is because of me that she lost her most serious relationship by far. Unlike the typical dyke drama though, there was no cheating, at least not on our part.

Simply put, her girlfriend, ex-girlfriend hated, hates me. Which says a lot about her monster of an ex, because I like to believe I’m a pretty likable person.

Anyway, alongside logic, common sense, truth and reality,friendship won. It always should. If some of your friends, and by friends, I mean the closest ones you have, think someone is not good for you, it doesn’t hurt to listen to them sometimes.

The Spice Girls said so themselves, “If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends.”

About littlegaygirl

Nothing much to say. For now.

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